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tv   BBC World News America  PBS  December 17, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm PST

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tipping point? >> this is an outrage. we are killing each other. we are the only industrialized country in the world of doing it. to >> at least nine afghan girls are killed by a landmine while collecting firewood. it raises questions about these weapons of war. >> welcome to this special edition of "bbc world news america." this community is warning the loss of 26 people including 20 children killed in a school on friday. it has ignited a debate about gun control in america. today was about the children, i got little noah and little jack pinto, to six girls who were
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buried today. it should a community struggling with grief and with shock. we have the latest. >> the agony of this week town was almost unbearable. first jack pinto was also buried. the town will hold the funerals of 80 more small victims of horrific violence. the parents of one of them have been speaking of their desperation as they waited outside the school on friday. >> i know exactly what she was wearing. i was going to see her black the glittery uggs should put on this morning. >> there was still hope because the children were hiding. >> then hope departed. >> there was so much panic and confusion.
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life was sucked out of everyone in the room. i found a state trooper and was like are there any survivors? are you telling me that standing here as a parent my child is gone and? he said yes. >> in the drizzle outside the school, candles and flowers and decorations, as symbols of the season of joy, serve as a memorial for grief. it is heartbreaking. it set out a bout of national soul-searching about young men and violence, videogames and mental illness and guns. america asks what could have prevented this. >> charlotte, daniel, olivia, sustained, anna.
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>> there were sobs as these mother of two red -- as this father of to read the names. he never said the words gun- control. what else could see me? >> we cannot tolerate this any more. these tragedies must end. to end them we must change. what choice do we have? we cannot accept events like this as routine. are we really prepared to say that we are powerless? in the face of such carnage? that the politics are too hard? are we prepared to say such a violent visited on our children year after year is some of the price of our freedom? >> if president obama is serious about turning the motion on
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display here in to political action, it will be immensely hard. rage against him, lobby groups, even in america's supreme court. the american people might be the real problem. a ban on military assault rifles could be possible. some see the ownership as a symbol of their freedom and sales are booming. >> yesterday was the biggest we've ever had in 20 years. today we will probably eclipsed that. >> gun supporters are keeping silent at the moment. many think this type of emotions well and that. others say this is the present moment. >> we are the only industrialized country that has this problem. the only one. that is why we need immediate action from the president and congress. it should be at the top of their agenda. >> a heavily armed young man has
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brought death to his home town. america's agonizing about whether the love affair with guns is to blame and could last as long as the family's grief. abc news, newtown, conn.. >> the service that president obama spoke at was called an interface -- interfaith service. there are some from christian, .uslim community he tell me how poor any thought this has been. >> i was very nervous. it took me a long time for its eclectic my head what was going on. i read the speech over and over. i was very nervous. >> you first heard the news on friday. he went to stay at a friend's house. what did you feel when you look up on saturday?
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>> it felt like i will come up and down is helping it was a bad dream. that i would wake up and it was not going to be there. like it did happen. we turned on the television and of course it was everywhere. then the real reality step in -- stepped in. the first day is the initial shock. it then there is the sobering reality that there were 26 lives lost, 27 actually, in this tragedy. that was one of the hardest for me. you did not have that the motion of the previous day. it was very sobering. you just did not want to believe that it was real. you did not want to believe something like that can happen where you live appeared >> how does this look. you're surrounded by little children. how has this changed?
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>> it has changed in a way that not everybody is working together. we are offering services not just muslims but to everybody in this town and in the nearby area. it is hard. now we have to return to normal. it will be a long road. unfortunately there is no easy way to do it. it will be one of the things that takes time. there always be that bitter reminder of what happens. you cannot completely erase it. >> thank you. jason grace spoke at that vigil last night. outside the sandy hook school immemorial has sprung up. it was very small when it started. townspeople have been gathering to make flowers and teddy bears.
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it is a focus of this community's greece. my colleague is up outside sandy hook elementary school with us now. that memorial, i visited yesterday morning and this evening. it is really extraordinary have people have wanted to come there to express their sadness about what happened. >> people are coming here now. they're coming to lay flowers. there are christmas trees here. there are trees for all of the children who were killed and he will not say christmas day. this one is focused on avielle richman. she loved to ride horses. she loved to color her "harry potter"coloring book. these trees are california grown. she had recently moved here from the other side of the country. you can see that people are coming to light candles.
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they're coming to lay flowers. they are also coming most poignantly with teddy bears. every tree has a group of soft toys for the departed child. this really is a most agonizing week. two funerals took place together. there are many more to come. >> laura, i saw earlier a crossed that had come all the way from rwanda. it was sent to this school in connecticut for the memorial. as you have seen here over the last few days, do you have a sense that the town has almost gone from a state of shock into a real grief and anger? >> this is the stage that everyone he last had anything to do with this tragedy will tell you this is one the great turns to anger. particularly in a case like this
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or they're so difficult to find any rational reason for what happens. the sense i also get is that people will tell you they do not want to be defined by what has happened here. in the and they want their strength and their love for their children, they want that. they do not want to be defined by what has happened. it is tragic. the yes, it feels like the entire world has descended on the tragedy. people here are resilience. they feel that ultimately they will be able to move on. >> on the issue of the control, people here have had very mixed reaction to what president obama said last night. >> this is the quintessential new england town. this is where the pilgrims landed in the 17th century. the right to bear arms is felt
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as a very strong historical right. it was seen as a way to defend against the tyranny of government. i have received very mixed .eople from views fro >> thank you so much for joining us. this is "bbc world news america." more to come from newtown, conn. that is mourning the loss of 26 people killed and one of the country's worst school shootings. -- in one of the country's worst school shootings. let's get other news from around the world. nine children, little girls, have been killed in afghanistan. they were killed by a land mine outside the village as they were collecting firewood. their report on another question about whether these
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dangerous weapons of war should be allowed. coming to bury nine young girls who had gone out to gather firewood. relatives said most had been attending school and in terms of being doctors, engineers, or teachers. the whole community touched by tragedy. three families lost two daughters each. locals tried to save them. >> i was having breakfast when i heard a bang. i ran to the scene and lifted one child in my arms. then i drew some of the wounded to the hospital. >> afghan security forces to guard at the funeral. the taliban are active here. it is unclear if they planted the mine or if it dated back to the soviet occupation of the 1980's. every day brings new victims of
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afghanistan's deadly trough of landmines. at this hospital in kabul, at the international committee of the red cross tries to rebuild shattered lives and tries to give hope to men like him. he lost both legs seven months ago. the >> and lots of things have changed. i am have a man now. i cannot do the work i did before like digging with spades and using an ax. >> afghanistan remains one of the most heavily mined countries in the world. the legacy of decades of conflict. >> more patients are writing here all the time. they see five or 600 new land mine victims every year. there are double and triple in duties. the new land mines are more -- if you tease -- amputees.
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the new land mines are more devastating than the past. most land mine victims are children. no one can say how many still lurk in the afghan soil waiting to kill. one breed father told us "we are paying for the scars of war." cobble -- kabul.l >> somehow the money from oil exports never seems to reach them. the president of this tiny country has ruled it for 30 years. he says there is no corruption. >> a brand new highway deep inside the west african rain forest. deserted. it feels like a road to nowhere.
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then we arrived in the middle of the jungle. a city is rising. this is going to be the new capital. this has to be one of the most extraordinary construction projects i have ever seen. i am on the roof of a foreign debt 50 room -- 450 room, 5 star theater that comes to the convention center and carved out of the jungle and 18 hold championship golf course. it is a spectacular vanity project in a country where most people live on barely $1 a day. equatorial, guinea is a dictatorship. his family has been accused of rampant corruption. has hadident's son
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assets worth 1 million euros seized by the french government. oil and gas are the keys to understanding the regime. editorial beginning -- equity torial guinea life expectancy barely topped 50. public dissent is a dangerous. anger is close to the surface. >> the people are suffering. all the oil money is taken by the president's family. no one can say anything. if you do the secret police would come to arrest you. >> the president gave me a rare interview. he is 70 but in no mood for retirement. >> i have been in power for so long because of the will of the people. it is the people who decide.
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thanks to the work i have done it they have always shown their appreciation and voted for me. >> what do you say to the people in your own country that say that you and your family had stolen the resources and the assets that are rightfully belong to all of the people of this country and not just to you? >> that information is false. on the contrary. my government has improve the living standards of the people and provided better infrastructure for everybody. >> be sun gosbee -- the sun goes down on the jungle city. oil has given this region an extraordinary opportunity. the leader may be supporting it. >> you are watching "bbc news
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world america." coming up we will be looking at a town that is morning it lost in realizing things will never be the same. -- -- tis loss -- its loss realizing things will never be the same. >> the nurse that killed herself has been buried in her hometown in india. the funeral was in the town just outside the main floor. it was attended by thousands of family and friends. her husband and her two daughters that survived a company that. >> her final journey for jacintha saldanha, her family joined by well-wishers. this is a tragedy.
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>> is has been the whip up her family that the ceremony -- it has been the will of her family that the ceremony remain private. the police have had a very hard time controlling the crowd. this is an advantage that has devastated this very tightly knit community. many people are raising questions, wondering how this could have happened in the first place. >> a final resting place is here. her husband brought her body from the u.k. and expected it redid inspected earlier. the service is -- inspected it earlier. the service is held privately. most families have a loved one living or working abroad. this is a tragedy that has
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struck home. they wonder what caused her death. there is anger and anguish and many unanswered questions. shirva, southern india. >> we are turning now to newtown connecticut. most affected is the parents, brothers and sisters of those shot dead. it had a ripple of flex -- ripple effects throughout this town. he grew up there and realizes his community will never be through this town. like i'm so proud of where and how i could up and all the activities. if kept everyone so united. -- it kept everyone so united. we would speak in here and eat a
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ton ton of candy. i wanted to bring my wife here. everything is clearly around the schools and kids. that is the hard thing. the experience of growing up is what newtown is essentially all about. the joke around town is that they are great officers but we say they're just babysitters. most of their job was speeding tickets and keeping the high school kids in line. i feel i know all the type of kids that go through the school system. we do not have things like that happen. you grew up trying to be a person in society that is not
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only successful but cares. it is that type of place. it saddens me so much. i do not know how to deal with it yet. it would take forever. the moms would shoot so many voters. they were not even we were kids. the first thought that comes to my mind is the children never be able to experience these things. i don't know how it could ever be the same. it does not even feel like the same town. it feels like we are dreaming. we have to wake up. i grew up here my whole life. i never went anywhere else. i thought the whole world was like this place.
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i just want to see light coming through the start situation. i do not know how it is possible at this time. what else can we do? i cannot see giving up on this town and community and people. >> a sense of innocence and safety has been lost from here. the governor of connecticut said earlier "we have tried to feel their pain but you cannot. he tried to think of words that you cannot. " we wanted to leave you with images of the community coming together to face its pain. dawn hochsprung [playing instrumental
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amazing grace] >> god has called them all home. for those of us who remain but as find the strength to carry on and make our country worthy of their memory. -- let us find the strength to carry on and make our country worthy of their memory. >> makes sense of international news at >> funding of this presentation was made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, and union bank.
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>> at union bank, our relationship managers work hard to understand the industry you operate in, working to nurture new ventures and help provide capital for key strategic decisions. we offer expertise and tailored solutions in a wide range of industries. what can we do for you? >> "bbc world
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- (yawning): hi, neighbor. today i'm going to get ready for school. and tonight we can pretend to be superheroes before bed! i'm excited to be with you all day. and i'll be right back. is made possible in part by... the richard king mellon foundation. dedicated for over sixty years to south western pennsylvania's quality of life, and competitive future. and by these pittsburg foundations. working together to enhance and enrich the lives of children for more than seventy-five years. and by the arthur vining davis foundations.
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dedicated to strengthening america's future through education. adcasting, dedicated to strengthening america's future and contributions to your pbs station, from viewers like you. the neighborhood ♪ and contributions to your pbs station, ♪ a beautiful day for a neighbor ♪ ♪ would you be mine? ♪ could you be mine? ♪ won't you be my neighbor? - ♪ it's daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ ♪ a land of make-believe ♪ won't you ride along with me? ♪ - ♪ ride along - ♪ it's daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪ ♪ so much to do, so much to see ♪ ♪ won't you ride along with me? ♪ - ♪ ride along - ♪ i've got lots of friends for you to meet ♪ ♪ in this land of make-believe ♪ a friendly face on every street ♪ ♪ just waiting to greet you ♪ it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood ♪ ♪ a beautiful day for a neighbor ♪ ♪ in daniel tiger's neighborhood ♪
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- hi, neighbor. it's me, tigey. daniel's being a sleepyhead this morning. you want to go wake him up? let's go. (daniel snoring softly) ready? let's say, "wake up, daniel tiger." wake up, daniel tiger. (daniel yawns.) - good morning, tigey. hi, dad. - good morning. (daniel yawns.) - oh, hi, neighbor. - what a beautiful day in the neighborhood. - wow! ♪ it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood ♪ ♪ a beautiful day to say good morning to you ♪ ♪ good morning! - ♪ good morning - ♪ good morning


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